Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN)

The Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) is a unique identification number assigned to businesses registered under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system in India. It replaced various indirect taxes levied by the central and state governments, unifying the taxation structure.

Components of GSTIN

A GSTIN comprises 15 alphanumeric characters, and each character holds specific information about the taxpayer:

  • State Code: The first two digits represent the state code where the business is registered.
  • Entity Code: The next ten characters include the PAN of the taxpayer.
  • Check Digit: The 14th character is a check code for verification purposes.
  • Business Entity Code: The last character typically represents the number of registrations a taxpayer has within a state for the same PAN.

Features of GSTIN by PAN API

The API offers several functionalities:

  • GSTIN Verification: Verifying the authenticity of GSTIN details associated with a PAN.
  • Access to GST Information: Retrieving specific GST-related information linked to a PAN number.
  • Enhanced Compliance: Facilitating adherence to tax regulations by confirming accurate GSTIN details.
  • Integration Capabilities: Allowing seamless integration into existing systems for streamlined operations.

API Implementation

The implementation of the GSTIN by PAN API involves secure integration, API key authentication, and data handling protocols compliant with regulatory standards. Developers and businesses can leverage this API to enhance their processes, ensuring accurate GST identification and compliance.


Overall, the GSTIN by PAN API serves as a crucial tool for businesses, government bodies, and financial institutions to validate GSTIN information based on PAN details. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring transparency, accuracy, and compliance within the taxation framework of India.

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